Turning Mac OSX firewall on/off bash script

Bash script to easily switch your Mac osx firewall on or off.

View the Project on GitHub ivanvza/Turn-mac-firewall-on-off

Turning Mac OSX firewall on/off bash script

Bash script to easily switch your Mac osx firewall on or off.

The long way round going into System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall (tab) -> ** Take Breath ** -> ./type password -> lock, feels too long!

So here is a short bash script to do it.


λ ~/ sudo firewall_on_off.sh

Current firewall status: ON

./firewall_on_off.sh [on/off]

Sample Usage

λ ~/ sudo firewall_on_off.sh off

Current firewall status: ON

Turning your Apple firewall OFF
λ ~/ sudo firewall_on_off.sh on

Current firewall status: OFF

Turning your Apple firewall ON

Twitter: (at) viljoenivan